the art of unlearning you


the art of unlearning you 

by: estefaaano_writes 

"Healing is a journey, not a destination. With each step, we become stronger and more authentic."


I'm erasing this muscle memory of us,

Retraining limbs that reached for you in sleep.

Unlearning the habits of thy name on my lips,

The weight of your keys in my pocket, I unkeep.

I'm forgetting the code to your smiles,

The secret language of your sighs.

Deleting the map of your body from my fingertips,

Unremembering the constellations in your eyes.

I'm rewiring neurons that sparked at your touch,

Rerouting synapses to fire anew.

Rewriting the dictionary where your words

Once defined the meaning of two.

I'm unpainting the colors you added to my world,

Finding my own palette, stroke by stroke.

Unstirring the recipe of you and me,

Tasting life,  as my own heart broke.

I'm unlearning you,  I'm learning me,

Bittersweet and true.

With every piece of us I undo,

I stitch together my heart anew.


  1. I'm unlearning you, I'm learning me !!!

  2. My idol! The way you use language is beautiful and poetic.

  3. This poem is a beautiful journey of the healing process. The imagery of 'erasing muscle memory' is particularly striking. The writer that you are estefaaano!!

  4. The honesty and vulnerability in this poem! It's a testament to the strength it takes to move on. It's a process.

  5. I needed this ❤️

  6. Now this is a testament to the strength it takes to rebuild oneself after a heartbreak 💔

  7. "Tasting life, as my own heart broke."


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