Remnants of us


remnants of us 

by: estefaaano_writes 

"Memories are like shells washed ashore. Some are treasures, while others are best left buried."


Dusty sunbeams, 

Cutting through half-drawn blinds.

Illuminating the spaces,

You used to fill.

Your laugh still ricochets,

Off these walls,

A phantom sound 

I can't quite catch.

I trace the outline, 

Of where we stood,

Arguing about paint colors,

And future plans.

Now I repaint alone, 

Covering the past,

With strokes of a future, 

I'm learning to face.

Lasting memory 

Reaches for your hand.

In the kitchen where 

We danced at midnight.

My fingers close on empty air,

But the music plays on.

It's softer now.

I water the anthurium 

You left behind,

Its leaves fan out—

In your absence.

We're both reaching 

For the light,

Growing in ways 

We never expected.

Boxes in the attic holds 

Remnants of us.

But I'm no longer 

Rushing to unpack.

Some memories,

Are best left folded.

Neatly tucked away 

Until the ache subsides.

This house is a place—

Of echoes and afterimages,

I'm relearning the sound,

Of my own footsteps.

Each day, 

The floorboards creak a little less,

As I walk steadier 

On this path in solitude.


  1. I think "boxes in the attic" represents the memories that are difficult to let go of.


  3. This piece is a beautiful elegy to a lost love. Congratulations estefaaano_writes!

    My take on this is that it's a reminder for us that even though relationships end, the memories they leave behind can be a source of comfort.


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