Love is an overstatement


love is an overstatement 
by: estefaaano_writes 

"Sometimes, the quietest moments hold the deepest connections."

We tiptoe around the word,
Afraid it might shatter,
If we speak it too loudly.

It's a fragile thing, 
This not-quite-love,
Built on shared silences,
And unspoken promises.

Your fingers,
Trace patterns on my skin,
Writing stories,
We're not ready to tell.

I count your breaths in the dark,
Pretending it's not a form of prayer.

We call it anything but what it is:
A connection, a spark, an understanding.

We're just two people who fit,
Who happened to find each other in the chaos.

Love feels too grand, too weighty
For this transient life we're living.

It's in the small things:
The way you know how I take my coffee,
How I can read your mood in the set of your shoulders.

Maybe one day,
We'll grow into that word,
Let it wrap around us like a familiar coat.

But for now,
We exist in this space between,

Where every touch is a question,
And every silence is an answer.

Love is an overstatement,
But what we have?
It's everything.


  1. OMG, the hesitancy to label the feelings as 'love' is relatable and thought-provoking.

  2. wait, why is this so relatable?

  3. finding love in the smallest of things is heartwarming!


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