i'm still half the world away 

by: estefaaano_writes 

"Distance may separate us physically, but the heart knows no bounds."


I hate the front door,

That I let you walk out of.

I hate the drink in this cup,

Like when you're not picking up.

I can't worry about my problems,

I can't take 'em when I'm gone.

Someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey,

They know me and Jack Daniels got history.

I'm remembering,

I promised to forget you,

My medicine is drowning your perspective out.

Came back to our place,

I'm still half the world away.

Coming back to your face,

There's guilt that I'm tryna place.

Well it is what it is,

Til it ain't, I guess.

I'm tryna learn from my mistakes,

But I ain't there yet.

And you'll never know when,

It's the last second chance you'll get.

I should've listened to you,

When you said,

"No puedo seguir muriendo por verte,

y tal vez solo quiero una noche saludable contigo"

I tried not to fall in love,

Maybe I was high,

But now it's all gone.


  1. JD sponsorship? Hahahaha

  2. The vulnerability and honesty in your poems is both courageous and inspiring.

    You've created a collection that resonates deeply.

  3. this is so February


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