

by: estefaaano_writes 

"The map of our lives is constantly changing. It's up to us to chart a new course."

Here lies the border of before and after,
A line drawn in shifting sands.

I stand, at the checkpoint of our parting,
Passport stamped by unwilling hands.

There's an ocean in my bedroom now,
Where waves of memories recede and crash.

Learning to swim in loneliness,
Finding shores of strength I need.

Mountains grew where we once walked.
Peaks of pain, I slowly climb.

The view from the top is breathtaking,
Of clear skies, truly mine.

I wander streets once crowded with two,
Now empty, awaiting beginnings.

Each step maps a new array,
Of stars in vast recovery.

The terrains of my heart shifts,
As familiar landmarks fade from view.

Still I'm charting, 
This course steady and meekly.

The Atlas of goodbye, dog-eared and worn.
Pages marked with tears and resolution,

With chapters of memories,
Charted with careful introspection.

The index lists places we'll never visit,
Dreams we sketched but left unfinished.

Footnotes detail the subtle shifts,
Of everythingship's topography, now diminished.

You're no longer my compass,
And my step charts terra incognita,

A brave new world beneath my feet,
Through this vast, unmapped expanse,

I find my journey now complete.


  1. Your use of metaphor and symbolism is masterful. It adds a layer of richness and depth to your work. Good job estefaaano_writes!

  2. the "ocean in my bedroom" is haunting and evocative

  3. The cartographic metaphors are incredibly creative and effective.
    Only you can make this estefaaano_writes!



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