unwalked trail


unwalked trail 

by: estefaaano_writes 

The siren call of the unwalked trail beckons, stirring an insatiable yearning for discovery deep within. But every time I go to take that first step, Fear's grip tightens around my heart. "You'll never survive out there," it taunts, a decry of doubt slithering through my mind. "Your dreams will be dashed upon the rocks. Stay on the well-trodden path where I can keep you safe."

That raging wildfire of ambition burns uncontrolled, flaring up at every glint of the unwalked trail's untamed beauty peeking through the foliage. Sunbeams dappling across those virgin paths of possibility. Babbling brooks marking unexplored routes to realms unseen. It all dares me to forge a new way through the verdant unknown.

I can no longer be sated by the boring, paved trails I've ceaselessly roamed since childhood. My soul thirsts for transformation and terrain untouched. So I arm the compass of my convictions, letting the worn trail map of comfortable sameness slip from my grasp. This momento of limitation flutters away, carried off by the winds of change I'm embracing. 

The moment my boot meets the loamy soil of the unwalked trail, I can feel the metamorphosis rousing. Fear's voice grows fainter like a shadow fleeing the sun's luminescence. The raging wildfire calcifies into an enduring forge of determination. With each successive step over gnarled roots and rocks, the tangled underbrush puzzling my way clears, revealing a trailblazing path.

Unseen wonders or perils may elude, but I'll confront them head-on. Believing this unwalked trail is the birth-grounds of my rebirth as an explorer striding new wilds. And no amount of Fear's protests can keep me shackled to the clearly marked paths any longer. I was born for the nomadic unknown. For discovery. For forging a new way through the daring wilderness.


  1. walang kupas bro!
    I'll repost this

  2. yes! the "wanting to do something different"

    1. this is the sign you've been waiting for! 🧁

  3. I'll wait for another collection to drop ✨

  4. "this unwalked trail is the birth-grounds of my rebirth" that's my new creed.

    you're one of a kind bro.


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