by: estefaaano_writes 


Life rests upon my desk, 
A paper weight.
Scattered sheets 
That drift.

Caught in the currents 
Of each day's swift.
Passage of time—
Lest they take flight.

This modest object, 
Yet profound.
Grounds me 
To the moment, 
Ties me down.

To the "here and now", 
Without a sound,
Steadying my thoughts 
That could 
Take to the clouds.

Its Heft reminds me 
Of life's gravity.
The Heft of choices, 
And their toll —

Yet also 
Anchors me 
To clarity,
Keeps me 
From losing my soul.

As papers flitter, 
This weight remains.
A ballast 
Against the windstorms 
Of my pains,

Lending perspective 
To all that's 
Gained and lost,

A humble reminder 
Of life's
Weight and cost.


  1. ending the collection with a grounding masterpiece is a brilliant move.

    thank you estefaaano writes


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