by: estefaaano_writes 
Life hangs—
By a thread, 
Paper thin.

Fragile as the page 
On which we begin.
Each moment 
A stroke of the pen,
Crafting stories 
That may 
Not transcend.

Layers upon layers, 
We writers indwell,
Inscribing our narratives, 
Details to tell.

Yet oft-times 
The ink bleeds through,
Staining the past 
With present's hue.

How easily torn, 
This gossamer plane,
Tattered by heartache, 
And pain.

Creased by the weight 
Of dreams undone,
Bearing the brunt 
Of trials hard-won.

We persist in 
Our scripts to write,
Letting hope's rays 
Through cracks of light.

For though paper thin, 
This life exhibits
A resilient strength 
In its delicate admits.

We are not 
Blank slates, 
Nor perfect sketches,

But palimpsests, 
Where new story etches.

Upon the faded lines 
Of what came before,
Crafting fresh chapters 
To vastly explore.

Embrace then, 
This paper thin existence,
For its fragility 
Breeds resilience.

Let each crease 
And tear add to the tale,
Giving our short-lived 
Folios spread sail.

Paper thin life,
Yet striking in form.
Delicate strength 
Defying each norm.
Transcending boundaries, 
Paper and pen.

Our stories 
Shape worlds, 
Again and again.


  1. "paper thin life"

  2. You've clearly poured thoughts and emotions into the words, and it resonates. The collection is fire. 🔥

  3. love this!! made me think that we might not be able to rewrite our pasts, we still have multiple pages to write with. we might crumple easily like paper but the funny thing is we can still write on crumpled papers. life goes on.


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