by: estefaaano_writes 




A paper doll.

Life emerges, 

Creasing with each 

Passing call.

Pristine at first, 

Exceptional form.

Destiny merges through 

The covert norm.

Folded here—

A crease wherever.

Bent again,

Lines grown together.

Experiences pierced 

Its marks and scars,

Shaping the doll 

That life's design mars.

Felicity add color,

Such vibrant hues,

While sorrows pale, 

Leave shades solemn, blues. 

Each choice creates—

A novel fold,

Crafting the story 

That's been foretold.

Tattered, crumpled, 

Bearing life's heavy prints,

Beauty emerges 

In every faded hints.

Handled with care, 

Yet inevitably torn.

This paper doll 

By living is worn.


Yet resilient.

This delicate art.

Reminder to cherish, 

Hold sacred in heart.

Can mend each tear 

And grievous crease —

But worn wih grace, 

Finds hard-earned peace.

A paper doll, 

Temporal art.

Crafted by life, 

Before falling apart.

Delicate record of 

Countless timelines imbue,

A fragile doll, 

Where life's fulgence hew.


  1. I guess I'm made of paper after all.
    thanks estefaaano for this masterpiece. 🥹🤍

  2. this piece takes a deep look at life's path, with all its ups and downs. It shows how the marks of experience, even the wear and tear of life can be beautiful. 💫

  3. a new favorite piece!
    I love this dong Steph. Keep it up. The fam will wait for your book soonest. 🙏🏻


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