by: estefaaano_writes 

Life spread 
Like pages turned,
Chapters begun, 
Lessons learned.

Gliding through 
On hushed footsteps,
Handling with care 
As the story 
Gets swept.

Yet sometimes 
The paper cuts deep,
Slicing our skin, 
Making memories seep.

The nip of those nicks 
And those scratches,
Remind us 
That life doesn't 
Come with safety latches.

Don't fear the paper, 
For it's how the tale's told,
Integrate each cut, 
Don't let your heart 
Grow cold.

For the deepest gashes 
Can leave you 
More wise,
As another 
Chapter's moral lies.

Scars fade 
And pages turn yellow,
Like a field full of sunflowers, 
Warm and mellow.

The story's made richer 
By pains we can't foretell. 
Each jagged edge 
Another lesson to dwell.

Embrace each papercut, 
Don't wince,
Don't cry,
These are the 
Chapters we write, 
Before our final chapter's 
Writ in the sky.


  1. "life doesn't come with safety latches" got me.

  2. 📜🩸


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