For All Mothers on Mother's Day



 "For All Mothers on Mother's Day"

by: estefaaano_writes 


A Mother's nourishing love,

Like a summer rain.

Falling gently upon the earth—

Bringing life, 

Nourishing the seeds,

Of new beginnings, 

Of birth.

You replenish, 

You restore,

With showers of care,

Helping tiny buds grow,

Bloom into flowers fair.

Your love pours out,

A healing, 

Cleansing downpour,

Washing over your children—

Soothing them to their core

With your warm embrace,

You drench our spirits

Shielding our hearts, 

A soft,  

And safe place to inhabit

When we thirst for tenderness,

For nurturing affection's caress,

You shower us with compassion.

Leaving no dryness, 

No tears to trace.

Cradled in your 

Caring streams,

Our souls are renewed.

The drought of hurt and fear,

Forever subdued.

You saturate us 

With deep showers,

Helping us blossom, 

Grow strong in your powers.

A steady, 

Constant presence

That does not cease.

You bring life, 



Your nurturing touch, 

A quenching reign.

On this Mother's Day, 

We honor—

A mother's pure love, 

The summer rain.


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