run down

by: estefaaano_writes


Frustration's fist clenches my gut,

A pressure like a scream.

Did I crave patience, or did patience crave me? 

Such a twisted dream.

My jaw tightens, nostrils flare, 

A volcano in my skull.

Boiling thoughts erupt, 

Words I'd choose more wisely if I could pull myself together.

Whitewash on the forehead hardens the brain.

Yearning for your touch, 

A whisper soft, like seeds you've sown.

In fertile ground, where knowing and seeing stand apart.

A truth unraveled, a fascinating aesthetic within my heart.

To the world, an iron fortress.

To me, the boundless sky.

Your signals flicker, mixed and dim.

A truth none can deny.

Was I ever truly sorry, for the loss that dimmed your light?

Or did I grieve the reflection, the absence of my might?


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