rolling up the welcome mat

by: estefaaano_writes 


We moved to a place we knew,

With the mountains and the sea in view.

2am drinks, traffic headed downtown.

Usually, I go out on nights,

And don't think of you once.

Moments slipped through my mind,

Proof and photographs have been deleted.

Kissed someone new last night,

I don’t even know where you’re sleeping.

Usually, I don’t cry at all,

Built myself a tough wall.

Funny how time reveals it all.

I pulled out all my journals I hid at the back of the closet,

Read them until 10,

Then I read them all again.

Weeping in a moonlit room,

I still see the vision of us cooking dinner. 

Time to roll up the welcome mat,

Return the keys.

The curtains started coming down,

We changed the second we were moving out.

Am I crazy for being the one to leave?

You took the last flight just to see me.

I guess our ending isn't ending happily.


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