drier eyes 

by: estefaaano_writes 


All I want is all I had,

But it's too late to take it back.

You know I got my reasons,

These demons I can't outrun.

It hurts to see you hurt.

A disrespectful oversimplification,

Brushed it off with an explanation.

I hate that I don't know how to hate you yet, 

Maybe it's the drinks tonight, distorting my regret. 

Called my therapist at 3AM,

Talked about how much I seem to not care.

Maybe it's not real, this numbness I wear,

Because why am I still waiting for a change to appear?

I cry in his bathroom,

Seeking the peace his arms once gave. 

Took a little time, a quarter of a wine. 

It felt so soft when we first fell in line,

But the view from the window changed.

By the oceanside into drier eyes,

Maybe I'm the one to blame.

Now I sit here, waiting for some message to come through.

I'm thinking more of the residue, 

I'm thinking more of the blue.

That lingers on what we had, such melancholic hue.

Asking myself if I'd like some other stupid things to do.

By the oceanside, with these drier eyes,

Maybe I have a role to play in why things went wrong, goodbye. 


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