done trying 

by: estefaaano_writes


Love on January sky,

Watching strangers passing by.

I can fool my senses for a little while,

Few of the things you’ll never know.

7PM, I’m at a table meant for two,

Up on the mountain with a view.

Wearing the ring still, 

But I think I’m lying.

None can fool,

I think we’re done trying.

Can’t handle another year of you and I being fine,

Shared all my secrets and, paid all my crimes.

I didn’t lie when I said I wanted that life—

It was true, all that you knew.

Felt like forever, at January 2.

Rode off in a car, a fairy tale starts.

It was love nut it wasn’t fate,

Family’s asking if I was okay.

The scale says I lost some weight.

This wasn’t how it’s supposed to play out.


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