
by: estefaaano_writes 

Love is a dianthus, crimson, fair

Petals soft, fragrant beyond compare.

Love is the sun, a life-giving ray,

Painting the world in hues as flowers in May.

Love, like sand, slips through your hand,

A fragile treasure, hard to understand.

Love is the ocean, deep, blue,

Rolling waves of passion, sincere, true.

Love is a river, ever flowing, changing its course,

Unpredictable, a relentless force.

Love is a clock, sometimes slow, a comforting friend,

Other times racing, with no end.

Love is a song filled with laughter's light and tearful sighs,

In perfect chords, where fear subsides.

Love is a flame, burning within,

A cozy hearth to call kin.

Love is hope, a promise in spring,

Of good things the future may bring.

Love is joy found in another,

A confidant, a friend, a partner, a lover.

Though whispers fade and rivers roam,

And sands of time may find no home,

Love's compass spins, a fated hand,

Destined souls meander, ever withstand.


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