come back to me, my sanity


mind of blades

by: estefaaano_writes


My mind is a fan with spinning steel blades,

Whirring feverishly through the hazy days.  

Thoughts circling round with no stillness between, 

Lost in a gusty blast of what could have been.

Churning up memories, dreams and doubts unfurled,  

My skull congested, chaotic world.

Fragments compressed by ideas that race,

Come back to me, my sanity. 

Desperate for quiet, I search for the switch,   

To slow the sharp turns making me twitch.

But my thoughts stay wild, refuse to be tamed,

Fan blades forever fevered, permanently framed.

I cannot reach through this cage to make it stop,

The dizzy spins escalate non-stop. 

My head a tempest, reckless and rushing.   

Spinning blades granting not one pause for hushing.

The frenzied motion rages without end or reason,  

My mind an electric fan with no off season.

So I embrace the mania that brings each new dawn,

Allowing my brain's fan to whirl wildly on.


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