
by: estefaaano_writes


In a different reality,

I could've called you friend.

Through the kaleidoscope of trust, 

You painted a different picture,

"Manure on a spiritual garden"

Colors bursted, chaotic overflow.

Hearts shattered like fragile glass.

Dagger of falsehood, 

Thrust into his heart.

Broken into pieces;

Left him standing on the shards.

Spin a yarn,

Thread-like strands of soul's eternal mist,

Web of lies, intricate mass.

Shadows cast by friendship's fading light.

A serpent's kiss, 

Cooed pact slain in the night.

Trust unraveled into the abyss.

Echoes of strong matches , 

Now a haunting refrain.

In the garden of loyalty, 

Only hushes remains.


  1. While the garden of loyalty may be silent now, remember that new seeds can be planted. With time and care, trust can bloom again, even if it takes a different form.


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