
Beneath the disco's flashing lights,  

A heart flickers erratic, lost in the noise.
Feigning joy, swaying with hollow eyes,   
While shadows whisper "Your mask will not disguise."

This laughter sounds a foreign tongue,
Where forced smiles hide the anguish underneath.
The crowded dance floor's watchful gaze, 
Reflecting back a fractured face.  

They throb as one, a pulsing sea,
But unsteady feet avoid the crowd's debris. 
Each pound of music a confession of fear, 
A caged bird's song muffled yet clear.

The pounding beat, a taunting friend,
Magnifies the doubts that descend.
"Not enough," the darkness hisses,  
"A broken note where your melody misses."

Oh, how the soul yearns to break free,
To join the stars in midnight reverie. 

But bands of doubt unsteadily bind,  
Stealing all tracings of moonlit flight.

A stretched-out hand, a beacon's spark,
A whispered plea in the dark.
But shadows clutch with an icy grasp,
Freezing unsure rhythms in their fell clasp. 

Yet deep within, a flickering glow, 
A fragile truth that the silence knows.  
Even a heart with a halting beat,
Can find the rhythm rendered so sweet.

With slow steps, a whisper of prayer, 
Mending tattered wings to ride the air.
Let the soft melody wash like a balm,  
To heal the wounds and make you calm.   

For in sorrow's receding tide,
Lingers a strength you cannot hide.  
Though the path twists on much farther,
Your broken heart has come this far.   

Now dance with tears and sing with your scars,
The beauty you hold moves past stars.  

But some nights, your steps remain unsteady,
As you balance the darkness, while seeking the ready.


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