
by: estefaaano_writes


My Friend of Great Renown

My friend sees himself as a man of great fame, 

Though his talents don't live up to his lofty name.

He boasts of achievements both far and wide,

Stories that stretch the truth on every side.

He expects to be treated in most special ways,

Seeking constant praise and validation of ways. 

The slightest critique makes him act most upset,

His sense of self seems rather poorly set.

All conversations lead back to being about him,

He rarely will let talk steer toward others on a whim.

He feels superior, looking down upon the rest, 

His entitlement is frequently expressed.

Quite envious whenever others succeed,

He thinks they should admire his every deed. 

He puts others down to boost himself up,

His ego’s inflation needs a reality checkup. 

I've tried providing feedback to help him see,

But he seems unable to confront honestly.

At times I wonder why I deal with this friend,

When will he realize his act we should end?


  1. Also include katu imo gi storyyy!! E upload tanan pen puros chuy


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