
by: estefaaano_writes


An avalanche of milk and honey,

Blurring out the silver in the lines,

why play the game if it ain't fair?

entertained half friends.

Gathering baubles about himself

He sees right through him,

Like eyepiece of a microscope.

He reads his palm,

Like a weather map.

Ferocious rhythm of precise laziness,

The sentiment of apathy traced the curvature of his lips.

Scars adorn the edges, 

Yet brilliance shines within.

"Salt of the earth", he said.

Seasoning every tasteless things in the world.

Manifested theories.

None could truly tell when things changed.

Remains unseen,

A silent whisper, a shift, a dream serene.

Is this the world we wanted?

Off he went, pale and puny

Not a thing he could do to save himself.

"Life's a game, we can't undo a move.

But we can make the next one better."

-Words running through his head.

Cynic's dance with life, 

A bitter taste, yet sweet, 

A turning point, subtle and unseen, 

The world, a canvas, forever incomplete.


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