diamonds to dust

by: estefaaano_writes


In gilded towers, secrets softly sigh,

A stolen glance, a truth concealed beneath a lie.

Where wealth cascades, a hollow, echoing song,

Lives masquerade, dreams painted long, but tarnished and wrong.

Mansions gleam, envy's barbs find fertile ground,

Jealous whispers dance where shadows, heavy, bound.

Innocence, once pure, a pearl now cast aside,

Betrayed by ambition, choices no longer denied.

Names, once soft murmurs, now blazoned, harsh and bright,

Judgments echo, scars etched beneath the borrowed light.

Fame's gilded crown, a burden etched in tears,

Adulation's warmth masking loneliness and fears.

Wealth's mountain grows, a monument to greed,

Crushing laughter, stifling every genuine need.

The game unfolds, a treadmill built to climb,

But triumphs fade, leaving emptiness entwined.

Parties thrum, a stage for masks to wear,

Cameras capture smiles, hiding hearts laid bare.

Yet, when the laughter dies and silence reigns supreme,

A broken spirit mourns, lost in a gilded dream.

The game persists, the gilded cage remains.

...Who holds the key, who breaks the gilded chains?

Is freedom found in mountains built so high,

Or in the quiet teardrop, lost beneath the sky?


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