
by: estefaaano_writes 




Rolling over the freeway;


Whispered plea,

Soundless in the echoes of silence.

Heard the symphony of misery,

Such bitter chord.


Within the ruins, luminescence to find.

Failed steps, a perturbed soul entwined.


Slipped through the cracks.

Grim reaper's making his rounds.

Sorrow's veil, 

Obscured the fading light,

A soul adrift, forlorn

Strode through the night.


Life's a bitter taste, a bitter cascade

Lost in the labyrinth

Learned lessons in life's dark guise.


Emotional distress, unhappiness

Countless words to describe,

Yet puzzling to recognize.


A gallery of despair and shattered dreams

Deafening thoughts, silent screams


“Be good to yourself” he said.

Maybe I can’t.

Maybe I don’t want to.


A poet of sorrow,

Ode left unsaid.


A song of misery,

Debilitated souls are led.


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