
by: estefaaano_writes



If your eyes could speak, what would they say?

If it’s way too soon,

Let it be,

A nonchalant surrender to the ephemeral dance.


Look up, it’s just us looking at the same sky.

You feel like sunlight.

Was I ever your moonlight?


This. Us. Taught me a lot.

But not love.

Change of heart;

The darker the sky, the brighter the stars.


Everything’s the same, seems fine.


Feels like everything revolves around us.

Just like old times,

But old ways don’t open new doors.


The sound of silence; sound of rain.

Nothing’s different.

Our silly word for rain: "liquid sunshine"

a secret language born in puddles and stolen glances. 

Does it still whisper your name when the clouds cry?

We exist on times like this,

Nothing more.

Things don’t end well sometimes.


You’ll be fine.

Heart beats differently.

It’s never enough, nothing is.


Maybe it’s just the season,

Quiet tough.

Forgetting is long.

Do we really forget though?


Easy to say,

Lights on shadows, blinds.

You’ll see stars shoot for the moon.


Used to believe in free love.

The rain speaks quietly,

You can sleep now.


Pretty brown eyes, I like it like that.

You know too much already, decide your vibe.


You can’t spell lonesome, without “me”.

When we said our goodbyes, Was it really goodbye?

That fight about constellations.

You insisting Orion was a hunter, 

Me arguing he was a broken heart. 

Who sees what they need to see in the stars?

Watched it became history.

You, me.


Those lips, those eyes

Good things, I guess.


Prison of my own thoughts; unwavering

Dark cold nights,

Storm in those eyes, yet peace on those lips.

Will these tears stain the dawn, or will the clouds

part for a sun-kissed tomorrow?

Do tell.



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